Diabetes Professional Education NHS Lothian | Staff


Keeping people with diabetes safe at home

For Registered Nurses working in community and primary care settings across Lothian.

The aim of the session is to enable staff to develop their confidence and competence in safely and effectively managing patients with diabetes in their own homes.

2025 Dates

1400-1600 Thursday, 30th January 2025Lecture Theatre Sighthill HCHCSW-on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Wednesday, 26th March 2025Pennywell All Care CentreHCSW-on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Friday, 30th May 2025Large Meeting Room, Gracemount HCHCSW-on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Wednesday, 24th September 2025Large Room, Leith Community Treatment CentreHCSW-on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Wednesday, 26th November 2025Pennywell All Care CentreHCSW-on eESS F2F
All of the above courses are for HCSW’s
1400-1600 Wednesday, 29th January 2025Lecture Theatre Sighthill HCNurse- on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Thursday, 27th March 2025Pennywell All Care CentreNurse- on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Thursday, 29th May 2025Large Meeting Room, Gracemount HCNurse-on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Thursday, 25th September 2025Large Room, Leith Community Treatment CentreNurse-on eESS F2F
1400-1600 Thursday, 27th November 2025Pennywell All Care CentreNurses-on eESS F2F
All of the above courses are for registered nurses

Learning Outcomes

  • Case study based session addressing the issues and challenges faced in caring for people with diabetes – recognising and managing complications appropriately, reducing risks to patients and preventing hospital admissions