Diabetes Professional Education NHS Lothian | Staff

Diabetes MCN Professional Education Conference 2024

The 2024 Lothian Diabetes Managed Clinical Network (MCN) Professional Education Conference was held on Wednesday 19th June and we are delighted to let you know the event was a big success with 107 delegates in attendance.

The conference returned to an in-person format, following successful virtual events throughout the pandemic and took place at COSLA Conference Centre in Edinburgh.

The programme covered various topics in diabetes diagnosis, care and management and delegates had an opportunity to attend four workshops and a Q&A panel.

If you missed out on the conference this year but would like to take part in Diabetes CPD, the Diabetes MCN has various options for you.

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Educational Presentation Slides

If you wish to access the educational presentations from the event please click the following link that will take you to a password protected site. If you attended the event you will have been advised of the password via email alongside your attendance certificate.

Presentation Slides

If you were unable to attend and wish to view the content, please email emma.x.campbell@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

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If you attended the conference and have yet to provide feedback, you can do this here.

Thank you to our sponsors

The Diabetes MCN Professional Education Conference 2024 was supported by the companies below through the purchase of exhibition space only and they had no input into the educational content.

Here is what they had to say about the event:

The organisation was exceptional, great venue and ran like clockwork!

Everything was seamless and your organisation for the event was first class

Really enjoyed the day and thought the location worked really well. Had great engagement with delegates and thank you so much for allowing us to support

AstraZeneca logo
Novo Nordisk logo
Boehringer Ingelheim logo
Lilly and company logo