Useful Websites
Diabetes UK opens a new window
A range of free educational resources and information for HCPs
Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes opens a new window
Where to find NHS Lothian diabetes protocols
Diabetes Think, Check, Act opens a new window
Toolkit for improving inpatient diabetes care
TREND UK opens a new window
Training, Research and Education for Nurses in Diabetes
NHS Education for Scotland opens a new window
Education and Training body within NHS Scotland
MyDiabetesMyWay opens a new window
Interactive diabetes website, primarily for patients and carers but contains a wealth of information and resources suitable for HCPs
Diabetes on the Net opens a new window
Education resources, CPD, e-learning and journals
NAPP Diabetes Academy opens a new window
Training and education resources for HCPs caring for patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care
The Knowledge Network opens a new window
National knowledge management platform for health and social care in Scotland
Diabetes in Scotland opens a new window
Diabetes Improvement Plan
Inpatient Diabetes Training and Support opens a new window
An inpatient diabetes educational toolkit
NHS Lothian Weight Management and T2 Prevention opens a new window
Recommended Resources
NHS LearnPro opens a new window
Diabetes Think, Check, Act and CPR for Diabetic Feet e-learning modules
Six steps to insulin safety e-learning opens a new window
Free to access but registration required
Safe use of insulin in hospital short video opens a new window
Understanding Diabetes
Diabetes UK module for non-specialists
Diabetes Foot Screening opens a new window
Foot Risk Awareness and Management Education (FRAME)
Insulin Chart for Acute Services opens a new window
Information on insulin titration, missed insulin doses, variable rate insulin infusions and insulin ward stock.
Caring for Residents with Diabetes – PowerPoint with audio
SIGN 116: Management of Diabetes opens a new window
DTN-UK: Guidelines for Insulin pump management in hospital opens a new window