Turas- Helpful Guide to finding TURAS modules
Dementia Skilled Practice Level: The Dementia Skilled Practice Level describes the knowledge and skills required by all health and social services staff who have direct and/or substantial contact with people who have dementia
Skilled level training opportunities
Understanding and Responding to the Needs of People Living with Dementia
- This study day is for all staff who support people living with dementia and their carers
- Mapped against “Dementia Skilled Practice Level” of Promoting Excellence Framework
- A full day programme which offers participants the opportunity to explore their understanding of the experiences of people with dementia.
- Increasing knowledge and skills by applying person-centred dementia care to their area of practice.
- Courses run 9am – 4:30pm
- Venues across NHS Lothian
- Dates and venues information
- See eESS for booking and further details