Falls Support and Education NHS Lothian | Staff

Supported Falls Training

We hope in future to provide links to some supported training and are currently scoping out our resources.

If you are interested in delivering Falls training for your team, we have developed a “Train the Trainer” falls package that you can deliver to your team. 

Train the Trainer main training slide deck – please download and use as appropriate for your own area. 

In-Hospital Falls Prevention and Management
Train the Trainer

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Post Session slide summary – condensed version of the summary slides that can be shared with participants as key takeaways (not to be used as the original teaching method – please use package above).  

In Hospital Falls Prevention and Management Summary

Falls Champions

What is a Falls champion?

A Falls champion is someone who takes on a specific focus raising awareness of falls within their role or department.   They may be an experienced member of staff willing to share best practice or less experienced but keen to receive additional education on falls prevention strategies and leadership skills. They are a great resource to support falls knowledge and training within departments.

Who can be a Falls champion?

The role is often filled by a healthcare support assistant or a staff nurse but could be anyone with an interest in reducing the risk of falls.

What do Falls Champions do?

A Falls champion’s key role is to raise awareness around the importance of falls and to communicate and share best practice.  They may also be involved in the training and educating of other team members in falls management techniques and completing relevant falls documentation. 

How do I become a champion or set up champions in my area?

Anyone with an interest in falls who is keen to reduce falls in their area can become a falls champion.  Speak to your line manager if you are interested and discuss how these fits in with your area’s falls work and your own personal development.  If you are a line manager, consider asking your team if anyone would consider becoming a Falls champion for your area and discuss what the role would involve.

Resources to support Falls Champions

Please see further tools below on how to support development of a falls champion role in your area.  

Training and Education support tools

NHS Lothian Train the Trainer Falls training resources:

Supported Falls Training – Falls Support and Education (nhslothian.scot)

ROSPA Falls Fighter

Make a real difference – become a RoSPA Fall Fighter | Free Fall Prevention Course – RoSPA

Falls Prevention Awareness Course material (currently on funded in England but material can be used to supplement training).

nescol_course_part_a.pdf (nhslothian.scot)

L2-Falls-Prevention-Awareness-Scottish-Addendum.pdf (nhslothian.scot)

Free online falls champion course (USA based focussing on dementia and alzheimer falls)

Fall Prevention Education – SafelyYou University (safely-you.com)

Further falls education and training support materials are available here

Case Studies and research

Preventing falls: New programme works in care homes – NIHR Evidence

A care bundle approach to falls prevention | Nursing Times

Examples of Falls champion role and profiles

Microsoft Word – fallsafetychampion.docx (leadingagemn.org)

Staff Roles and Training for Your Fall Prevention Program (ahrq.gov) (USA based but useful for champion role)

Champion role profile (nclhealthandcare.org.uk)