Falls Support and Education NHS Lothian | Staff

East Lothian

People living in the community

If you are looking to signpost a person living in the community to local information that can help reduce their risk of falls, you can direct them to this page: Information about slips, trips, and falls – Access to a Better Life in East Lothian

Care Home Residents:
If a care home resident has had recent falls, worsening or increasing falls, or is at risk of falls, referrals to services that can support them can be made by the care home, their GP, or a range of professionals. Find out more from the dedicated care homes website

Multifactorial Falls Assessment

The East Lothian Falls pathway is hosted within the East Lothian Rehabilitation Service (ELRS) and is delivered by a team of physiotherapy/assistant physiotherapy practitioners and community care workers based within the community. 

Residents of East Lothian who have had a fall, have a fear or are at risking of falling can undergo a multifactorial falls assessment, which considers environment, mobility and transfers, balance, technology, footwear/footcare, hearing/eyesight, equipment, medication, bone health, cognition, and continence. 

How can someone be referred?

For up to date referral routes, please see the information on the ref help website

Risk of Admission

If you are concerned that a person may be at risk of admission to hospital, please see the ref help website

Assistance to get up off the floor

The East Lothian Emergency Care Service is a support service which responds to: Alarm Calls; Falls; and Emergency Personal Care.  Please see the attached document on how to use and contact the service.

Strength based exercises and physical activity to prevent falls

For information around falls and physical activity, please click the link below:

 Information about slips, trips, and falls – Access to a Better Life in East Lothian

Medication Review 

Medication is reviewed as part of the multifactorial assessment.  For patients with medication that may be affecting their falls risk a medication review can also be provided by their GP or by NHS Lothian Community Pharmacy Champions(check this and check they are not just pharmacists in high st not qualified) by emailing PCPteam@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.

Community Alarm and Telecare Service

This service is available to people of all ages who are vulnerable, have a disability or health issues. It also supports carers by offering reassurance that the person they care for is safe. The Community Alarm & Telecare Service provide an alarm unit with pendant or wristband to help support and enable people to be independent in their own homes. 

To Learn more about what Technology can do to help people live confidently and independently see the A better Life website

Further information can also be found on the East Lothian Gov website

Community Equipment

Access to a better life in East Lothian is a Digital Platform with advice, resources and external links to support self-management and self-assessment for equipment.  This platform can be accessed on the A Better Life website

A self-assessment tool for Equipment to keep people independent at Home is available on the A Better Life website