This page provides presentations, information booklets and posters that you can access or download to share in your teams.
Introductory Falls Presentations
This presentation is aimed at Healthcare support workers undertaking the National Progression Award: Health and Social care – Skills for Practice
This presentation provides information on looking after your feet to help prevent falls.
This presentation provides information on eating well and keep hydrated to help prevent falls.
Falls risk graphics
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Information Booklets and Leaflets
Up and About – Taking positive steps to avoid falls
A guide published by Public Health Scotland on how to keep active and reduce the risk of trips and falls.
To view the booklet online, or if you require large print or any other format, please access the Public Health Scotland website link below:
Up and about: Taking positive steps to avoid trips and falls – Publications – Public Health Scotland opens a new window
Age Scotland – Worried about slips, trips and stumbles
This guide outlines how to help prevent future falls.
To order paper copies from Age Scotland, or access the online resource, please access the link below:
Age Scotland – Worried about slips, trips and stumbles opens a new window
Age Scotland – Keeping active in later life
This guide is for people thinking about doing more physical activity
To order paper copies from Age Scotland, or access the online resource, please access the link below:
Age Scotland – Keeping active in later life opens a new window
Age Scotland – Keeping your feet in later life
This guide outlines different ways to improve strength, balance and flexibility
To order paper copies from Age Scotland, or access the online resource, please access the link below:
Keeping your feet in later life | Age Scotland ( opens a new window
Age Uk – Staying Steady – How to reduce your risk of falling
This guide outlines things you can do to reduce your risk of falling. It includes:
- how to stay active to improve your strength and balance
- how to look after your eye and ear health
- tips on looking after your feet and foot health
- suggestions for staying safe at home
To view the booklet online, or if you require large print or any other format, please access the Age
UK website link below:
Staying steady downloadable information guide | Age UK opens a new window
Age Scotland – Keeping active in later life
This guide is for people thinking about doing more physical activity
To order paper copies from Age Scotland, or access the online resource, please access the link below:
keeping active in later life ( opens a new window
Age Uk – Staying Steady – How to reduce your risk of falling
- This guide outlines things you can do to reduce your risk of falling. It includes:
- how to stay active to improve your strength and balance
- how to look after your eye and ear health
- tips on looking after your feet and foot health
- suggestions for staying safe at home
To view the booklet online, or if you require large print or any other format, please access the Age
UK website link below:
Staying steady downloadable information guide | Age UK opens a new window
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy – Fall proof: a guide to getting up from falls
Osteoporosis and Bone health
The Royal Osteoporosis Society website opens a new window holds information for healthcare professionals and patients and families including fact sheets, booklets and information films.
A quick reference guide to SIGN 142 Management of Osteoporosis and the prevention of fragility fractures is available below and full guidelines available direct from the website below:
Management of osteoporosis and the prevention of fragility fractures ( opens a new window
Further resources are available on the link to RefHelp:
Osteoporosis – RefHelp ( opens a new window
Falls Sensor leaflet for patients and families/carers – Falls Sensor Leaflet
Useful Apps with links to Falls
Scottish Social Services Council Adult Support and protection app opens a new window
This app has been developed to be used as a reference resource for all workers whose role includes supporting or caring for adults. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the worker’s own organisation’s adult support and protection policies and procedures.
Clinical Frailty Scale App opens a new window
Istumble app opens a new window
Devised by the West Midlands Ambulance Service to help carers and care assistants assess fallen residents and make informed decisions whether they can lift the fallen person themselves safely and with the appropriate lifting equipment.
Sleepio app opens a new window
Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme proven to help you clear your mind, get better sleep and have better days.