LearnPro Module: Lothian: Falls Prevention for Adult In-Patients
This module will help you to identify why people are at risk of falls in hospital. Understanding the risk factors and the actions that can be taken will help to reduce the risk of falls for people in their care. You will learn what to do in the event of a fall and how to report and learn from this experience.
Available to access on learnPro NHS – Login (learnprouk.com) opens a new window
New Falls, Frailty and Bone Health TURAS Module
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) have published a falls, frailty and bone health module with a Once for Scotland
approach with input and feedback from NHS Boards across Scotland.
The module provides essential knowledge for all health and social care workers and raises awareness of individual risk factors which is crucial to preventing falls, frailty and fractures. The module covers falls across community and inpatient settings.
The module is available on TURAS and takes around 45 minutes to complete.
Access the module on TURAS here.
Further information on the module can be accessed on the flyer below:
Nation-wide available online training resources
ROSPA Falls Fighters
ROSPA, working together with partner RSA Insurance Group, offer a free falls awareness session to become a falls fighter. To find out more details, please register at Make a real difference – become a RoSPA Fall Fighter | Free Fall Prevention Course – RoSPA opens a new window
Falls Prevention Awareness Level 2
This course funding in Scotland has recently been withdrawn and is currently only funded in England. We are waiting for notification of availability again in Scotland. A copy of the course content and the addendum for Scottish students is below for reference.
Level 2 Certificate in Falls Prevention Awareness Part 2
Addendum Level 2 Certificate in Falls Prevention Awareness