Falls Support and Education NHS Lothian | Staff

Inpatient Information and Resources

Falls in hospitals or inpatient settings, cause distress to patients and their families and the consequences of falls can impact physical, emotional and mental health.  

People in hospital settings, particularly older people are at increased risk of falls, largely because of co-occurring conditions but younger patients may also be at risk of falling during their hospital stay e.g. when under effects of anaesthesia or medication.

Falls can cause a loss of confidence and limit normal activities and can lead to an increased length of stay.  The most significant injuries are fractures, especially hip fractures, which can have a devasting impact on people.  Unfortunately, a small number of patients die each year in hospital as a direct result of a fall. 

Falls can also be a source of complaints from patients and their families, and staff may be impacted emotionally or mentally. 

On this page, and on the other webpages, you will find resources to help manage the risk of falls and to be able to support patients, families, and carers.