People living in the community
If you are looking to signpost a person living in the community to local information that can help reduce their risk of falls, you can direct them to this page I Live in Midlothian – Falls Support ( opens a new window
Care Home Residents
If a care home resident has had recent falls, worsening or increasing falls, or is at risk of falls, referrals to services that can support them can be made by the care home, their GP, or a range of professionals. Find out more from the dedicated care homes website opens a new window
Assistance to get up off the floor
If someone has had a fall, are uninjured and need help getting back up, the Midlothian Falls Response Phoneline can be contacted 24 hours a day, to help.
Falls Response Phoneline: 0131 270 8890
Staying active to prevent falls
Established in 1999 in partnership with NHS Lothian Ageing Well aims to provide a range of opportunities to encourage the over 50s in Midlothian to increase their physical activity levels. Being more active is good for health and Ageing Well offers a wide variety of activities designed to suit all tastes. Further information can be found on the Active Midlothian website opens a new window
Medication Review
For patients with medication that may be affecting their falls risk a medication review can be provided by their GP or by NHS Lothian Community Pharmacy Champions opens a new window by emailing
Community Alarms
Telecare, also known as community alarms, provides peace of mind for individuals and their families 24 hours a day. It may help people to live independently in their own home, and allows a quick response if they need help.
Further information can be found on the Midlothian council website Midcare alarm service | Midlothian Council opens a new window
Community Equipment
For patients who are disabled, live in Midlothian and need support to do everyday tasks at home equipment and adaptations can be provided to support with everyday tasks such as eating healthily, going to the toilet, washing or dressing and staying safe. Further information can be found on the Midlothian Gov website opens a new window