Falls Support and Education NHS Lothian | Staff

Useful Links

How to measure lying and standing BP:
https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/outputs/measurement-lying-and-standing-blood-pressure-brief-guide-clinical-staff opens a new window

Polypharmacy guidance including information about anticholinergic burden:
http://www.polypharmacy.scot.nhs.uk/polypharmacy-guidance-medicines-review/for-healthcare-professionals/hot-topics/anticholinergics/ opens a new window 

Realistic prescribing:
Polypharmacy-Guidance-2018.pdf opens a new window

https://qfracture.org/ opens a new window

https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/FRAX/tool.aspx opens a new window

Inpatient Footwear Guide

Getting Up from a fall:
What to do if you fall | NHS inform opens a new window

Preventing Falls:
Preventing falls | NHS inform opens a new window

Right Decisions:
Right decisions tool is a Once for Scotland’ source of digital tools that enable people to make safe decisions quickly ‘on the go’, based on validated evidence
Right decisions tool opens a new window

Telecare Self-Check Online Tool:
Telecare Self-Check Online Tool | NHS inform opens a new window

Support enabling older and disabled people to stay in their own homes:
Welcome | Care and Repair Scotland opens a new window

Research Papers 

Avoiding Deconditioning – a research paper by Amit Arora and Brian Dolan OBE – link https://eu-ireland-custom-media-prod.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/UKMEAEU/eSample/9780702080166 (windows.net) opens a new window 

Outcome of in-patient falls in hospitals with 100% single rooms and multi-bedded wards – a research paper by I Singh et al link Outcome of in-patient falls in hospitals with 100% single rooms and multi-bedded wards | Age and Ageing | Oxford Academic (oup.com) opens a new window 

Preventing falls in older people on mental health inpatient wards: a quality improvement project – a research paper by C McNamara et al pdf (rcni.com) opens a new window 


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