AHP Practice Education NHS Lothian | Staff

Allied Health Professions (AHP) Day 2022

AHPs Day 2022 poster

Allied Health Professions Day 2022 is all about recognising and highlighting the incredible work of the AHP Workforce.

The main aims of this year’s #AHPsDay are:

  1. #Celebrate ourselves as professionals, our teams and colleagues and the impact we make.
  2. #Appreciate our own and other AHPs’ input, skills and care.
  3. #Connect with fellow colleagues and AHPs across Lothian and further afield.
  4. #Inspire our future workforce by supporting and encouraging them.

You can find images to use in your own #AHPDay campaign here.

If you need help changing your MS Teams background – here’s a handy guide

So what have our AHPs been saying?

Lucie, Practice Education Team Lead
Matt, Paramedic
Debs, Diagnostic Radiographer
Fiona, Dietician & AHP Lead
Gillian, OT HCSW
Lewis, Physiotherapy Student

The Great AHP Bake Off (plus a tasty recipe to try out yourself!)

Party Poster 14 October 2022
Flourless Chocolate cake Recipe