Traditionally Paramedics would initially transition from being Technicians, after spending some years in an ambulance, via a diploma to become a paramedic. This has changed now and in line with other AHP groups, access is via a degree course. This has been in response to:
- Aligning with HCPC requirements
- Scottish governments target of increasing paramedics
- Growth of paramedics in the community
This degree programme is supported by a comprehensive placement programme. The three placements programmes are:
– Scottish Ambulance Service – development of core clinical skills
– Third Sector – develop an understanding of the Third Sector in promoting health and well being
– Cross sector – the aim of the cross sector placement is to equip students not only with clinical experience but also to expose them to the many different patient groups that they may encounter and how healthcare professionals work together. It is this placement which is hosted by the different AHP/Nursing and Medical professions.
Paramedics are generalists, requiring a broad knowledge and skills base and they need exposure to a wide variety of areas to prepare them for practice. This also gives them a chance to experience stressful situations for the first time from a learner’s perspective, rather than as a newly qualified practitioner e.g., witnessing a child birth in the controlled environment of a labour suite rather than in the back of an ambulance!
This broadens their understanding of the ‘patient journey’ and interprofessional working.
The Cross Sector Placement covers the following areas:
Year 2
- Assessment of ill adult – Intensive Care, Cardiology Coronary Care, Cardiothoracic ward, Respiratory Medicine, Orthopaedic Trauma, Acute Stroke Unit, Acute surgical ward,s Neurology
- Supporting mental health and wellbeing – Alcohol and Drug rehabilitation services, Community mental health services, Mental Health Assessment and care of older adults/ Dementia services, Homelessness and outreach services, Toxicology Child and Adolescent, Mental health services, Learning Disability services, Prison service
- Assessing and supporting maternal and infant health – Labour suite, Antenatal Maternity assessment unit, Post Natal care, Neonatal units, Community maternity services, Obstetric and gynae theatres
- Emergency care and triage – Accident and Emergency, Acute Assessment unit, Older Adult Assessment unit, Triage Out of hours service
Year 3
- Assessment of the person with a long-term condition and /or anticipatory needs – Neurology rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Orthopaedic rehabilitation, Stroke Rehabilitation, Oncology, Palliative Care, Hospice
- Community and primary care – Out of hours service, GP surgery, Community hubs, Minor injuries, Nurse led units, Health visitor
- Assessing and supporting children & families – Paediatric emergency department, Paediatric wards, Paediatric assessment and outpatient departments, Health Visitors
- High dependency care – Theatres, Intensive Care, High Dependency Units
These placements are short in nature and the emphasis is more on developing the communication skills with both patients and other healthcare professionals. However, any opportunity for them to utilise their communication skills is most welcome!
There are benefits as well to the placement provider. Supporting a paramedic student placement is a great opportunity for CPD and for working with another healthcare professional.
Who can support a paramedic student placement?
Everyone within your department can be involved, though we do ask that student is supported by a registrant who is 2+ years qualified (but can work alongside any team member). Any member of the team can sign off the students’ skills in their Placement Paperwork.
What support will I get?
The Practice Education Team are here to help anyone considering hosting a placement. Also, QMU provide a brief induction session on how to support a paramedic placement.
For further information, contact In the meantime, download the “QMU: Supporting a Cross-sector Placement brochure”