AHP Practice Education NHS Lothian | Staff

AHP Support and Supervision

In 2018, Scotland’s position statement on AHP Support and Supervision was published. The benefits of supervision are well documented. The position statement takes the position that all AHP practitioners and AHP Health Care Support Workers (HCSW), irrespective of their level of practice or experience, should have access to, and be prepared to make constructive use of supervision.

In August 2020, Lothian Allied Health Professions Strategic Supervision Working Group published the Lothian AHP Support and Supervision Guidance. The group meet regularly to support the implementation of the principles, structure and skills required for an effective supervisory relationship. 

In 2024 we sent out a survey to find out what supervision was like for AHP team members and we got a great response which helped us understand some of the barriers and facilitators. This will help shape some of what we offer to support support and supervision across AHPs. You can find out more about the results by clicking this link.

A series of Support and Supervision webinars and interactive skills workshops/ sessions have been developed to support AHP teams to implement this guidance:

  • Session 3:  Skills for Effective Supervision : The NES AHP Practice Education team is supporting the national delivery of supervisory skills training for the AHP workforce in health and social care. Visit the link for full info and to book.

AHP Support and Supervision Flashcards were developed as a quick reference guide. You can also visit the AHP Support and Supervision pages on Turas for further information and resources.

If you are a nurse, midwife or health visitor and want to find out more about clinical supervision training please see:

Clinical Supervision for the Nursing and Midwifery Workforce