Carers Network NHS Lothian | Staff
Carers Network
Many NHS Lothian staff have a caring role supporting a family member or friend, and the Staff Carers Network has been created to give them a safe and confidential space to make connections and access support. Anyone who has a caring role for a family member or friend can join the network.


Carers Network

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. You don’t have to live with your cared for person to be a carer.
Many NHS Lothian staff have a caring role supporting a family member or friend, and the Staff Carers Network has been created to give them a safe and confidential space to make connections and access support. Any member of staff who has an unpaid caring role can join the network.

Carers Network logo

The network has been created to:

  1. Provide staff with informal caring roles a confidential and supportive space for information sharing and support
  2. Reduce the isolation frequently reported by working carers through the facilitation of peer support
  3. Raise carer awareness among management and colleagues
  4. Support NHS Lothian to maintain best practice in identifying and supporting carers within the workforce
  5. Offer a variety of supportive caring related learning opportunities for staff with informal caring roles
  6. Signpost and refer carers on for additional support both internally provided and externally
  7. Develop and maintain relationships with other staff and student networks in areas of mutual interest
Young man in wheelchair with young woman pushing, in a park setting

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday 25 February, 12.30-13.30

Our next meeting will be a peer support drop-in session. Please contact the network inbox for the Teams link.

Future meeting dates:

  • Tuesday 18 March – speaker Gail Lumsden, NHS24
  • Tuesday 27 May – peer support drop-in session
  • Tuesday 10 June – speaker Ruth Hutchison, Carers of West Lothian for Carers Week
  • Tuesday 19 August – peer support drop-in session
  • Tuesday 23 September – speaker TBC
  • Tuesday 18 November – peer support drop-in session
  • Tuesday 9 December – speaker TBC

Join Our Mailing List

If you have a caring role, join our confidential mailing list to receive invitations to the network meetings and notes if you cannot attend.