Global Citizenship Staff Network
The NHS Scotland Global Citizenship Programme aims to increase NHS Scotland’s global health contribution, by making it easier for all NHS staff to participate in global citizenship, both here in Scotland and overseas, through the provision of guidance, co-ordination and support.
The Programme reflects and supports our existing international development commitments to our partner countries, as set out in the Scottish Government’s International Development Strategy, in particular our commitment to support capacity strengthening in the area of health.
We’re open to every staff member across NHS Lothian, regardless of grade or job role. So if you’d like to join our network, simply send an e-mail to global.citizenship@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk to be added to the mailing list.

Spotlight on Global Citizenship
One of the key aims of our group is showcase the amazing work that NHS Lothian staff do in the Global Health and Citizenship arena.
Global Citizenship Resources
You can find a host of educational and informational materials relating to Global Citizenship, and ways you can get inspired and involved.

Join Our Mailing List
You can stay informed on the network’s activities by joining our mailing list, or find out more about the network.