Staff Support NHS Lothian | Staff

Future Focus and Prevention

Coaching for Wellness

We are a team of NHS Lothian staff who have been specifically trained in Coaching for Wellness for staff working in NHS Lothian and Social Care within the Lothians.

What For?

Confidential 1-1 session offering a safe space for you to explore aspects of your health and wellness, enabling you to come up with your own ideas for action and strategies to stay on track and help you focus on your future.

A session takes up to 90 minutes and you can also arrange to have a follow up ‘check-in’ session if you wish. The date and time of your session is arranged between you and your coach at a time to suit.


To arrange a session email coaching@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

You will be allocated a wellness coach who will arrange to meet on MS Teams.


When you are looking to maintain good health or make improvements in your wellbeing but need support about how best to approach that.

Staff Cervical Screening Clinics

We are NHS Lothian Detect Cancer Early team Any NHS Lothian Staff who is due or overdue their cervical smear.

What For?

Smear Tests save around 5,000 lives every year, but we know it can be easy to overlook the importance of these checks, especially after a long shift or tiring day.

A series of cervical screening clinics have been introduced to make it easier for our staff to get checked.


To book your appointment, simply email staffcervicalscreening@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or

Call  07929 714 645


Staff cervical screening clinics are held at sites across NHS Lothian.

Most clinics run in the evening between 5 & 8pm so staff can attend after work .

Staff Wellbeing Programme 

We are a wellbeing programme covering a wide range of  wellbeing topics. Includes ENERGISE YOU ,  Reading for Wellbeing , promotional roadshows, menopause cafes and campaigns forFor all NHS Lothian staff.

What For?

An exciting programme of topics to energise and empower staff, offering a wide range of initiatives and support to enable and empower us all to invest in our wellbeing. 

Links are regularly promoted via the staff wellbeing network, weekly brief and the intranet banners .

ENERGISE YOU sessions are  held live but are also recorded and are uploaded to vimeo to watch at anytime. 


Get our annual planner of sessions and further information via


When you are looking to maintain good health or make improvements in your wellbeing but need support about how best to approach that.