Staff Support NHS Lothian | Staff
Staff Wellbeing
NHS Lothian’s vision is to promote, support and encourage staff to look after their own health, wellbeing and resilience (self-care).

Support for individuals

Support for individuals

Future focus and prevention

Support for teams and managers

Support for individuals who have workplace concerns

NHS Scotland wellbeing support services

Further information

The content here relates to support services that are available to NHS Lothian staff. We have a wide range of further information on our staff intranet pages , relating to our staff wellbeing programmes, Campaigns , Local wellbeing activities and further support across NHS Lothian. If you are a member of staff but cannot access the intranet, please speak to your manager/supervisor or use the details below.

To access  further information

Email – staffhealth@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Intranet – Staff Room> StaffHealth and wellbeing pages

Staff Wellbeing network – MS Teams >  LothStaffWellbeingWorkWell