Staff Support NHS Lothian | Staff

Advice to Support you with Cost of Living

​Please note: NHS Lothian does not actively endorse any particular organisation however you may find the information below helpful:

Many Trades Unions and discipline specific professional organisations provide both information as well as services on benefit entitlements, debt advice, financial services, credit unions and more.

Scottish Government Cost of Living Support

As well as the information below the Scottish Government have launched a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to. This includes advice on how to get support to help heat your home more efficiently and reduce heating bills, free services available which may help you increase your income, support with children’s school meals and much more. Visit gov.scot/costoflivingsupport opens a new window for more information.

Debt Advice

If you are struggling to manage debt this can impact on your mental health, physical health and relationships. As an NHS staff member, you can access free and confidential debt advice from Don’t Fret About Debt opens a new window (dontfretaboutdebt.net). You will receive expert advice from a qualified debt advisor in complete confidence. They will talk you through all your available options, explaining clearly how they work.

Consumer Credit Counseling Service opens a new window (CCCS) offers free advice and support for people who need help with managing their debts. For more information call  0800 431 8157

CAP (Christians Against Poverty) provides help to get out of debt, find a job or gain vital life skills. The services of CAP services are open to people of all faiths and none.


You could save money with the NHS Credit Union opens a new window (nhscreditunion.com). The NHS Credit Union is a financial co-operative, owned and controlled by its members. You chose how much or how little you want to save. The NHS Credit Union offers a range of savings accounts, including options for children under 18.

Energy Costs

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Citizens Advice, Energy UK and Ofgem have produced an Energy Advice for Households guide opens a new window which is full of information on things like financial support, keeping your home warm and help with understanding your bills.

Helping your money go further

NHS staff are eligible for a range of deals and discounts.

NHS Staff Benefits (nhsstaffbenefits.co.uk opens a new window), Blue Light Card (bluelightcard.co.uk opens a new window) and Health Service Discounts (https://healthservicediscounts.com opens a new window) all offer discounts across a range of shops, services, restaurants and more.


As an NHS staff member, you can access impartial and independent mortgage advice from the Mortgage Advice Clinic opens a new window (mortgageadviceclinic.co.uk) They can support you to find the most suitable mortgage products as well as offering advice on how to protect your mortgage should the unexpected happen.


Deciding on the best type of credit for you opens a new window. When you’re borrowing money, it’s important to understand how much the different options cost and how they work. You also need to know how those costs vary depending on the amount you’re borrowing and for how long.

Beware of scammers who try to exploit the cost of living crisis!

Be wary of texts, emails or phone calls that come out of the blue. Never give out your personal details when contacted out of the blue and always double check that they are legitimate by contacting the organisation they claim to be from. Councils will never call to ask for your bank details. 

Money Saving Expert opens a new window suggest how you can protect yourself with this quick 3-step check: 

  1. If you are asked to pay an upfront fee, it could be a scam
  2. If you are asked to pay quickly, it could be a scam
  3. If you’re asked to pay in an unusual way, such as vouchers or money transfer, or asked for your bank details, it could be a scam.