Induction NHS Lothian | Staff

Manual Handling Service – Induction Courses – 2023/2024

Courses and Timetables

High Recruitment, High Induction Attendees and MHS Capacity 
The MHS has fixed capacity to deliver face to face education in training rooms on timetabled days.  

During periods of high recruitment/high induction attendees 
The MHS are prioritising ‘face to face education spaces’ on a basis of risk to include: 
– ‘heavier handling’ non-clinical roles i.e. Estates and Facilities, Pharmacy, Laboratories 
– clinical facing roles – with potentially no previous training i.e. healthcare support workers 
– staff bank delegates – to facilitate recruitment and workforce pressures.  

Roles with previous manual handling experience, education and/or ‘lower handling’ risks 
– may not be offered a space as part of the induction timetabled pathways.
– these delegates may receive an e-mail asking them or their managers to book Manual Handling training through eESS (booking system) on a preferred day/date/location. 
-these roles may include: qualified clinical roles i.e. Staff Nurses, Physiotherapists etc
 ‘lower handling’ non-clinical roles – Management and Administration  

Local induction, risk assess and book via eESS
-your managers are able to provide a local induction to your area. 
– risk assess what manual handling tasks are appropriate based on your experience and prior to you receiving your Manual Handling induction training.
– if you and/or your manager receive an e-mail to book induction training on eESS: 
-a range of days, dates and locations are available. 
-please book a preferred date that works for you, your manager and service 
-courses are continually being added by the MHS to support future dates and locations  
Courses & Timetable …during normal recruitment periods and within MHS capacity 
non-clinical roles (no patient handling)  
week 1 Thursday or Friday  
1/2 day = morning or afternoon 
9am – 12:30pm or 1pm – 4:30pm 
clinical staff (listed below & require patient handling) 
week 1 Wednesday  
full day for most = 9am – 4pm (full day) 
1/2 day for minimal patient handling staff groups  

Paediatric/Children’s Nurses/ Newly Qualified Nurse (NQN) Paediatric Nurses 
Band 4 Student Nurses 
All HCSW’s (including Care Homes & Open University) 
Any other clinical role not on the week 2 list below… i.e. Physios, OTs,  Activity Co-ordinators, Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrist, Dieticians… 
clinical staff (listed below & require patient handling & additional clinical skills)  
week 2 Wednesday or Thursday
full day for most = 9am – 4pm (full day) 
1/2 day for minimal patient handling staff groups  

Staff Nurse 
Newly Qualified Nurse (NQN) Adult 
Registered Nurse/Charge Nurse/Care Home Manager/Nurse Practitioner 
Operating Department Practitioner 
Anaesthetic Practitioner 
Learning Disability Nurses 
Mental Health Nurses  
How will I know where to go? 
your course date, time and location will be e-mailed to you and your new line manager
 ….by Tuesday 12 pm of the week you start induction 
…check your e-mail inbox/spam/junk/bin folders… 
courses take place at one of our x5 training sites across NHS Lothian:
– Comely Bank Centre 
– Royal Edinburgh Hospital
– St John’s Hospital 
– Western General Hospital 
– Edinburgh Napier University (Sighthill Campus) 
…please be aware, you may be asked to attend a course that is not your base 
…you are expected to travel to a different site from your place of work if needed  
What we need from you… 
class sizes and numbers are risk assessed for safety. Please… 
– attend the course allocated to you and turn up on time
–  don’t go to a different class – we may not be able to accommodate you
– let us know if you cannot attend – we can offer the space to another staff member  
Clinical Staff / Patient Handling Roles – Only 
…if you have received Clinical/Patient Manual Handling education within the last 24 months from one of the organisations below, you may not have to attend our training.  

Local Universities (we deliver the service or have checked/have established links) 
– Edinburgh Napier University 
– Edinburgh University 
– Queen Margaret University  

All NHS Scotland Boards (including NHS Lothian)  
Send your certificate/evidence… 
– send us your certificate/evidence ASAP
 ….and before you start Corporate Induction 
– state the date (Monday) you are due to attend Corporate Induction 
– training needs to be within the last 24 months 
– e-mail your certificate/evidence ((scanned/PDF) or a photograph) of training to: loth.manualhandlinginduction@nhs.scot opens a new window   
How to get your certificate… 
Edinburgh Napier University and Edinburgh University
– check EPAD or similar – your certificate may be accessible there
– e-mail manualhandlingteam@napier.ac.uk opens a new window for a copy of your certificate or to check our systems for attendance 

 Queen Margaret University (QMU) & NHS Scotland Health Board (except NHS Fife)  
– you will have to contact the relevant organisation directly to source your own evidence 
– send it to loth.manualhandlinginduction@nhs.scot
Unable to attend? …missed your course date? …did not attend 
– please let your new line manager know 
– our service will contact your new line manager to update non-attendance and options  
– we will add you to our induction waiting list to attend a retrieval course  
– retrieval courses and spaces can be arranged by you and/or your new line manager 
– search and book spaces on the eESS system  
– if help is required, please contact one of Manual Handling Service Administrators or: loth.manualhandlinginductio opens a new windown@nhs.scot
– demand for spaces is high and you may have to travel to another site that is not your base