NHS Lothian PEF CHEF Team
Practice education facilitators (PEFs) are a national network of nursing and midwifery registrants that support learning in practice by working in partnership with staff within the practice learning environments.
They work alongside other partners in practice education such as Care Home Education Facilitators (CHEFS) and Practice Education Leads. PEF’s work in partnership involving NHS Education Scotland (NES), National Health Service Boards (NHS) and Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s).
The PEF/CHEF role is a tripartite partnership with NHS Education for Scotland, NHS Lothian and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Each providing the team with priorities.
NHS Education for Scotland – Priorities – QMPLE – Flying Start | NHS Lothian – 451 Practice Learning Environments – Newly Qualified RN/M – Restorative supervision for NQRNM – Induction | Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) – Edinburgh Napier University – Edinburgh University – Queen Margaret University – Open University |
The Nursing and Midwifery Council – Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses – Standards of Proficiency for Registered Midwives – Standards for student supervision and assessment – The Code |
The principle aims of the PEF role are to:
- Enhance the Quality Management of the Practice Learning Environment (QMPLE) through sign posting and supporting adherence to the NES Quality Standards of Practice Learning (QSPL) and educational audit
- Identify and support the development of new PLEs, increasing capacity to effectively support nursing and midwifery students.
- In accordance with the NMC (2018) Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment, support the development of both new and experienced practice supervisors and practice assessors, and those in wider practice education support roles.
- Contribute to and enhance the quality of the practice learning experience through encouraging; evaluation, feedback and collaborative working with practice placement providers, university staff, students and service users and families.
- Provide support, educational input and development activities for staff and students within practice learning environments and contribute to the development of pre-registration and post-registration education programmes – reflecting the needs of the future nursing/midwifery workforce.
- As a registered nurse, midwife or health care support worker, evidence is required of continuing professional development. The PEF helps facilitate this for staff, by signposting them to learning and development resources available locally and nationally, such as Flying Start.
- Collaborate on various work streams to ultimately enhance the quality of the practice learning experience and positively contribute to the future nursing/midwifery workforce (e.g., development of a student resource to support digitally enhanced placements).
You can contact us on loth.pefchefenquiries@nhs.scot for more information or to share any feedback on the content of this site.