PEF CHEF NHS Lothian | Staff

Support for Student Nurses and Midwives raising a concern in NHS Lothian

If you are a student nurse or midwife on placement within NHS Lothian and you need to raise a concern about patient safety, working conditions or wrongdoing you should first speak to your nominated practice supervisor or practice assessor, either informally or formally.  

If this is not appropriate you also have the following options:

  • Speak with another member of senior nursing or midwifery staff  within your practice learning area
  • Contact a Speak Up Advocate by emailing: SpeakUP@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
  • Contact your university or college Course Advocate

If you have exhausted these options, you should follow the National Whistleblowing process.  The new National Whistleblowing Standards for the NHS in Scotland came into effect on the 1 April 2021 and apply to anyone working to deliver NHS services. Please see our Whistleblowing Standards Guidance for Student Nurses and Midwives flowchart.

Access to the standards and the relevant policy both can be found on our Raising Concerns pages.