PEF CHEF NHS Lothian | Staff

Bitesize Learning – Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor

Welcome to NHS Lothian Practice Education Facilitator’s “Bitesize Learning” for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors

This bitesized learning resource are for nurses, midwives and registered health care professionals who are unable to attend the 2.5 hour Practice Supervisor/ Practice Assessor Workshop.

Workshop bookable on eESS for NHS Lothian staff, external agencies can request booking by emailing: pefchefenquiries@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk .

These have been developed so that they can be downloaded and completed in more manageable learning chunks of around 20-30 minutes.

Practice Supervisor bitesize resource

We have 4 bitesize topics which mirror the activities you would undertake in our Practice Supervisor Workshop, these are:

Practice Assessor bitesize resource

We have 3 bitesize topics which mirror the activities you would undertake in our Practice Assessor Workshop, these are: