Nursing and Midwifery student elective placement opportunities in NHS Lothian:
Students requesting an elective placement by emailing: with the following details:
- Home university, program title, year of study (NMC Part included)
- Contact details (university email address)
- Dates of placement requested and location/speciality being requested
- Learning outcomes to be achieved on placement
Students from Scottish Universities may be offered placements provided there is an agreement between NHS Lothian and their parent university. They will be required to agree and submit a letter of access if offered a placement. Students from outwith Scotland, please see the process below.
Please note: The decision to offer an elective will be considered in relation to available practice learning capacity. Strategic Lead for Practice Learning (SLPL) will retain records of all placement requests while active.
Information will not be retained for unsuccessful requests and information from successful requests will be deleted after completion of the request.